all about mabel's world

Hi there and welcome! I'm Lisa Burling, Chief Explorer of Mabel’s World. Let me tell you more about this special place I've created and what you can expect to find here.

Let’s start at the beginning because that’s where all good stories start.

I am a degree-qualified journalist, award-winning entrepreneur and marketing communications professional (my other business is Grass Is Greener Marketing Communications), a four-times published author, and a lover of words.

As a child, you'd find me reading books constantly, writing letters to friends near and far, curating my own library in my bedroom, and writing short stories and poems for everyone from my parents to my dog.

As you can see, my whole life has been punctuated by experiences linked to words and their power to inspire and connect human beings at the deepest levels. 

Mabel’s World represents the intersection of my childhood desires and adult purpose. It has been in my heart and head for some time and I am thrilled my vision is now a reality I can share with you.

The mission here is simple: to champion the power of words and their ability to bring about positive change in the micro-moments of our daily lives, against the backdrop of big events in an ever-changing world.

So, take your virtual shoes off and see what’s happening in Mabel’s World, where everything we do is for the love of words. You can also sign up below to receive a Letter from Mabel each month below.

Yours in the love of words,


Lisa Burling, Chief Explorer

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