Discovering your writing routine

Jun 01, 2024

Whether you’re a budding author, or have a book or two under your belt, finding a writing routine that supports your creative process can take time. Whether you choose to write when inspiration strikes or set aside dedicated writing time, the key is to keep writing and nurturing your creativity. Both approaches have their merits, and the right approach ultimately depends on your personal preferences, lifestyle, and creative process. Here are some considerations for each approach:

Writing when you feel like it:

  • Flexibility: Writing when you feel inspired allows for flexibility in your schedule. You can seize the moment whenever creativity strikes, whether it's early in the morning, late at night, or during unexpected bursts of inspiration.
  • Authenticity: Some writers find that their best work comes when they write spontaneously, tapping into their raw emotions and creative impulses without forcing themselves to adhere to a strict schedule.
  • Reduced Pressure: Without the pressure of set writing times, you may feel less stressed or overwhelmed by the writing process. This can help prevent burnout and allow for a more organic, enjoyable writing experience.

Setting scheduled writing time:

  • Consistency: Setting aside dedicated time each day or week for writing helps establish a consistent writing habit. Regular practice is essential for honing your craft, maintaining momentum, and making progress on your projects.
  • Accountability: Having a set writing schedule can hold you accountable for making progress on your writing goals. Knowing that you have designated writing time can motivate you to prioritise your creative pursuits and resist distractions.
  • Structure and Routine: For some writers, a structured routine provides a sense of stability and focus, helping them stay disciplined and productive. A designated writing time can create a conducive environment for creativity to flourish.

Finding a balance:

  • Experiment: Try both approaches and see which one works best for you. You may find that a combination of spontaneous writing sessions and scheduled writing time offers the ideal balance between flexibility and consistency.
  • Listen to Your Needs: Pay attention to your energy levels, creative rhythms, and personal preferences. If you thrive on spontaneity and find joy in writing whenever inspiration strikes, embrace that approach. If you benefit from the discipline and structure of scheduled writing time, prioritise consistency.
  • Be Flexible: Be open to adjusting your approach as needed. Life circumstances, creative cycles, and writing projects may require flexibility in your writing routine. Adapt your schedule accordingly to accommodate changes and maintain a healthy balance.

The most important tip for writing a book is to approach it in a way that works best for you. Writing is a deeply personal endeavour, and each writer has their own unique process and style. Experiment to find what works best for you!

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