How to establish a reading routine

Apr 18, 2024

Not everyone finds it easy to read consistently and even those of us who love it can have times where we lose our reading rhythm. Here are some easy ways to get your regular reading habit back on track:

Explore genres: Don't limit yourself, experiment with different genres such as mystery, fantasy, romance, science fiction, historical fiction, or non-fiction.

Find your comfort zone: While it's great to explore new genres, it's also important to recognise what you enjoy the most. Prioritise books that resonate.

Create a relaxing environment: Set aside dedicated time for reading in a comfortable and cosy environment without distractions.

Build a routine: Schedule reading time each day. Consistency is key to making it a natural part of your routine.

Follow your mood: Pay attention to your mood and choose books that match it. If you're feeling stressed, you might gravitate towards light-hearted comedies or feel-good stories.

Engage with the story: Allow yourself to get lost in the world of the book. Visualize the characters and settings, immerse yourself in the plot, and let your imagination roam free.

Reflection: Take time to reflect on the books you've read and what you've gained from them.

Join a book club: Sharing your reading experience with others can add a new dimension to your enjoyment. Find out more about the Mabel’s World Book Club here 

Don't force It: If you're not enjoying a book, set it aside and try something else. Permission granted!

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