Prose Polisher

THIS IS FOR YOU IF… you have a draft manuscript and need help editing and finessing by an objective reviewer (Lisa!) before sending to print or to a major publisher for their consideration.

Written your book but would like some feedback from an experienced, encouraging fellow writer? Or maybe you’d like the first sections of your draft checked and refined before you get too deep into the writing process? If you've answered yes to one of these questions, this package is for you!


  • x1 one-hour Zoom call to go over where you are now and address any blocks or areas needing attention and refinement
  • A comprehensive written report of your manuscript including:
    • Detailed line edits on your manuscript 
    • Feedback on the overall structure
    • Language and pacing suggestions (track-changes)
    • Suggestions for improvements including expansion or cuts
    • The main strengths and potential revisions to give your manuscript the best chance of publishing success.
    • Published Author Tips Factsheet to help keep you on track as you write your manuscript.
All reports will be provided between 2-6 weeks depending on the word count.


  • Up to 5,000 words: $999
  • Up to 10,000 words: $1,999
  • Up to 20,000 words: $3,999
  • 20,000 words PLUS: Prices upon application