Mabel Musings

The benefits of daily journalling

Many people find the idea of keeping a daily journal intimidating. Sound familiar? You might be overwhelmed by the perceived commitment or unsure of what to write about. But developing a daily...

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Mabelā€™s World winter 2024 reading list

What is that I hear? Oh yes, it’s the boiling of the kettle! Winter is such a gorgeous season for snuggling up with a pot of tea, a biscuit (or three) and a blanket in a cosy space to simply...

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Discovering your writing routine

Whether you’re a budding author, or have a book or two under your belt, finding a writing routine that supports your creative process can take time. Whether you choose to write when...

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Overcoming writerā€™s block

Losing your writing mojo can be tough, but it's something many writers go through at some point. Here are some tips to help you reignite your passion and get back into the flow:

Start small:...

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How to establish a reading routine

Not everyone finds it easy to read consistently and even those of us who love it can have times where we lose our reading rhythm. Here are some easy ways to get your regular reading habit back on...

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Mabelā€™s World autumn 2024 reading list

Ah, autumn. What a perfect month to read! The days are shorter but still pleasant, and the nights are colder which make it the perfect time to grab a book, cover up with a blanket, grab a tea and...

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